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"Establish a worldwide community for positive change through heart consciousness-driven initiatives and vibrational empowerment."

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"Join us and together let's inspire positive global change by showing unwavering courage and passion in supporting Kind Karma Worldwide® initiatives."

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"We are building a worldwide community that acknowledges positive global change stems from our heart consciousness."

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"Fostering a Collective Heart Consciousness for a Brighter Tomorrow."

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"By implementing the three Kind Karma Worldwide® Initiatives, we aim to develop a strong, collective consciousness that will elevate our overall state of being. Now is the time to take action and pave the way for a brighter tomorrow."
– Dean Telano, Founder
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Kind Karma Worldwide® Initiatives

Fostering a Brighter Future through Our Initiatives
We strive to elevate the world's heart consciousness and overall vibration. Our mission is brought to life through the following three initiatives that are the core of our 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
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Kind Karma Worldwide Kids

Empowering Our Youth

KKW Kids Initiative uses holistic approaches such as yoga and meditation to empower our youth.

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Kind Karma Worldwide Animals

Caring for Our Animals

KKW Animals Initiative is about using noninvasive and safe energy therapy for abused, ill or neglected animals.

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Kind Karma Worldwide Planet

Honoring Our Planet

KKW Planet Initiative is our high vibrational way for promoting connectedness with the earth. 

Join the Movement by Giving Today!

If any of our initiatives speak to you, please consider giving a donation. Your support is essential to keep spreading Kind Karma Worldwide®.


"Often our voice is found in our compassionate actions." 

– Dean Telano, Founder of Kind Karma Worldwide®

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Discover our efforts in generating Kind Karma through the Kind Karma Worldwide Animals' Initiative.

Kind Karma Worldwide® Visits Cornelius Animal Shelter, Cornelius, NC - 2024.
Kind Karma Worldwide® Visits Fauna Haven Farm Animal Sanctuary, Virginia - 2023.
Kind Karma Worldwide® Visits Changing Hearts Farm Animal Sanctuary, Shelby, NC - 2023.
Kind Karma Worldwide® providing 150+ pounds of food donations for Changing Hearts Farm Animal Sanctuary.
Kind Karma® Animal Reiki practitioners giving group Reiki to "Sunshine" – a beautiful, loving pig in need.
Kind Karma® Animal Reiki practitioners giving group Reiki to the food – hay, for the horses at the animal sanctuary.
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Our aim is to establish Kind Karma Worldwide®, advocate for positive change, and attain personal vibrational empowerment through heart-centered initiatives.
"Empowering Our Youth"
"Caring and Honoring Our Planet."

With your help and initiative support, we can expand the world's heart consciousness and foster positive transformations.

By supporting an initiative, you can change the world and improve your personal outlook. Raising your vibration has a ripple effect, and it can, and will, resonate throughout the world.

Support Our Nonprofit Efforts.
Give Today.

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Join us, as we raise the heart consciousness of the world – ONE HEART AT A TIME. 

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