"Shaping the Future of the World by Empowering the Present."
– Dean Telano
Kind Karma® Sound Therapy: Using Chakra Vowel Sounds for Radiant Health and Vibrant Healing.
Introduction to a Kind Karma Reiki Crystal Grid.
Kind Karma Yoga: "I Am My Breath" Meditation.
Awaken with Meditation: Seven Myths of Meditation.
Palm Power: Tapping into the Healing Energy of your Palm Chakras.
Saddle Up and Settle Down with Kind Karma® Yin Yoga Saddle Pose.
Planet Kind Karma®. Prayer of the Gnomes.
Kind Karma® Crystals for Kindness: Celestite. Raise your Vibes!
Infinity Breathing. Kind Karma® Kids Breathing Exercise for Improving Academic Skills & Focus.
Balloon Breaths. Kind Karma® Kids Breathing Exercise for Managing Emotions, Stress & Anxiety.
The Amazing Benefits for Children when they play the Gong.
Invest in the World's Future with Kind Karma® Worldwide.
Kind Karma® Reiki Ball for Healing.
Kind Karma® Animal and Pet Reiki.